<%@ taglib uri="ticl" prefix="t" %>


<h2>Welcome to the TICL Samples Page</h2>
This section contains code samples illustrating various features of TICL. They show
the main components that are currently part of TICL. While these samples are sort
of realistic, they are not real world samples, but merely to demonstrate
functionnality and basic features.
For a bigger, real life example, just look at our site. It has been completely
rewritten with TICL. For instance, a more WEB application-like section is the
<em>Community</em> section with the discussion forums. The whole discussion
forums section is about 600 lines of JSP code with the business logic code which,
as a very bad architecture example, is within the JSPs ;). That code will be made
available free of charge in the near future.
<p>Please, select an example of a component that you would like to explore on the left
menu. You can view the example source code by clicking on the
<b>View Source</b> link on the right.