WebFaces was developed as the true Visual RAD tool for TICL. It was built entirely as a plugin to Netbeans, but it was never released. Netbeans, at the time prior to version 3, was the wrong choice both from a marketing and technical perspective. Still, much of the functionality of WebFaces is still worth exploring and perhaps digging from the ashes! For this reason, we have open-sourced it and made accessible for whoever has time and desir to play with it.

Later, a standalone version was developed with the page editor, jEdit as a source editor and an embedded Tomcat.

Core Features

Page Designer The page designer is full-blown JSP page creation tool with a component palette for all TICL UI elements, property editors, complex component editor wizards for menus, table views and the like. You can switch from a page designer view to code view to run-time view. The page designer also supports the high-level layout managers of TICL thus allowing you to easily compose the visual layout of page and manipulate layout containers as any other UI element.
Code Generation Wizards The code generation wizards allow you to create event listeners, new components, component instances, pages etc. in a matter of a few keystrokes and mouse clicks.
Styling Editor The styling editor allows you to easily work with TICL styling objects (styles, skins, renderers, themes, styling variables) by providing an explorer view of all styling objects defined for a web application. Advanced property editors for the various types of skin parameters such as a color chooser, template editor, CSS style editor and many, many more are included.
Instant Run-Time View You can execute your JSP page instantly in an embeded mainstream browser by simply switching to the run-time view of a page. [Note that this feature may not be available on all platforms.]
User Agent Capabilites Explorer Work with your user agent capabilities configuration in a convenient explorer through a structured view of the various browsers' properties, both static and dynamic.
Server-Side Events Explorer Manipulate server-side events, listeners, event factories etc. from a simple to use explorer that provides a coherent view of all event/controller logic of your application.

Get It

Webfaces is available only in source form, from the following Subversion URL:


Use your favorite Subversion client to access it. Let us know if you are using it!